About Us
The word CLUEDUP is to have a special and detailed knowledge of something and is readily understandable at first glance.
To be CLUEDUP is to be a caring individual leading out of love and compassion and not out of fear and aggression. To be strong enough to do and represent what’s right even if it’s not popular. It is to be a competent individual always willing to seek knowledge and be humble enough to know you are not better than anyone.
The clothing brand was established in 2021 and was created to inspire and spark motivation & discipline in mindsets worldwide. We are both a modern and stylish streetwear brand. Our goal is to create artistic streetwear high in quality, including personal quotes and pictures implemented in the designs that resonate with people and get them comprehending. It is more than a brand, it’s a lifestyle.
For any inquiries contact us on - cluedupclothing@gmail.com